Minissha Lamba on the cover of Andpersand

02:07 Posted by Cool Blogger

The latest issue of the Andpersand has the super-sensational Minissha Lamba on its cover page. Her eyes say it all. They are enough to make the most handsome guy shed a look on her. Minissha always wanted to be a journalist, but eventually she took up acting as her career and now she is one of the hottest diva of Bollywood.

One might not know that, with CNN's international correspondent Christiane Amanpour for inspiration, Minisha would have loved to interview the likes of Sonia Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and James Dean , in that order. She also speaks all about her pastimes, films and also gives a few word of wisdom like "The novelty of the bikini should have worn off by now, especially the kind of shows you have on cable TV".

She is simply unbeatable when it comes to giving interviews. And this interview is surely a standing testimony.


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