Minissha Lamba Dons a Two Piece in October Issue of Maxim

01:09 Posted by Cool Blogger

She is the Goddess of Beauty who has only added glitters to the already glittering cover of the recent issue of Maxim. She is none other than Minissha Lamba, who has, today, deservingly become not just the talk but also the toast of the town.

She had only recently 'kidnapped' every cinegoer's dream with her star-tling screen presence in the recent flick Kidnap. Even though the film saw a roller coaster collections at the Box-Office windows, but everyone who saw the film was hypnotized by Minissha's dose.

Here comes the real shocker! If one has to ask this lasso out on a date, then, the best way is disclosed by the lady herself. Minissha says that "The surefire way to score a date with me is not to show too much interest...I like it when someone keeps me guessing!"

This one will surely serve as 'Dummies guide to woo Minissha Lamba'. She confesses that she is not someone who is easy to approach. One will only manage to score those brownie points on intelligence. Standard pickup lines just do not happen in Minissha's life. And even a conversation does not lead to a date, as she does not give her telephone number.
Sad...but as they say...such is life.


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